Value proposition
Potential capabilities offered by BidModel include:
- Capture expected monthly income and costs to assess the financial attractiveness of opportunities, e.g. setup new business, bespoke customer pricing
- Show expected financial performance metrics, e.g. Revenues, margins, cash generated, Net Present Value, payback term, cash strain
- Sensitivity analysis of metrics to changes in business case drivers, e.g. salaries
- Provide sample business cases by business type/region
- Allow export of business case data to external data stores, e.g. Excel (CSV), Google Sheet, DropBox, JSON, Databases, SharePoint, PDF
- Import data from external source(s), e.g. Excel
- Allow business case options/scenarios
- Track actual financials relative to planned business case
- Pricing strategy development
- Web based and off-line versions, e.g. Excel, Google Sheet
- Accessible via phone, tablet and laptop
- Provide Create, Read, Update and Delete business case rights to others
Critical assumptions
The key assumptions that need to be tested about potential users are:
- Need a way to assess the financial attractiveness of potential projects and have no easy way to do this now
- Able and happy to enter business financials (cost and revenue drivers) into an on-line (or stand-alone) tool
- Want to share financial proposals with other people or groups in a secure way
- Want to track actual financials v plan
- Require access via laptop, tablet and phone.
- Want help developing pricing strategies
- Want to import from and export financial data to other systems